Move over 2017, 2018 beckons

As we wind down and spend time with friends and family over the holiday period, it is difficult not to look ahead to 2018 with a sense of excitement and anticipation....and a little trepidation. I wouldn't have it any other way.

The majority of 2017 has been devoted to preparation and planning the business, and experimentation and tweaking the design of the product. The last three months have allowed us to present 'Brewster', the prototype desk, to schools throughout the region. The feedback has been incredibly positive, validating the time and effort we have put in to date.

Early 2018 will see us working with manufacturers, producing a number of sample and prototype desks. All going well, we expect to be be in a position to take orders during Q2, 2018, with delivery in late Q2/early Q3 2018. 

On behalf of the Amperstand team, we wish you a Merry Christmas, and the very best for the New Year.

Jonathan Brunello
